Park Rd. Office
10502 Park Rd.,Suite 100
Charlotte, NC 28210
Billingsley Rd. Office
330 Billingsley Rd.,Ste. 100
Charlotte, NC 28211

Microneedling with PRP: The vampire facial

Microneedling with PRP Microneedling with PRP is a procedure that is ideal for the renewing or rejuvenation of aging skin. This procedure is also famously known as the vampire facial. PRP is short for platelet-rich plasma. The procedure involves a dermatology nurse...

Medical dermatology explained

Dermatology treatment Medical dermatology consists of two parts and the differences between them are subtle, and important. We are seeking to provide an explanation of medical and surgical dermatology, so you can understand how the two are a critical part of your...

Dry skin care: Tips for winter time

Winter skin care Dry skin care is important during the dry winter climate and even drier indoor heat. Here we are in the coldest year of the month, and for many, the exposure to this environment may have already taken a toll. However, there is still time to find a...

Skin care tips for middle-aged people

Middle-aged skin problems Skin care for middle-aged skin requires a little detective work. At this age, skin problems are not always due to the aging process. Many problems are related to improper nutrition, heat and humidity, hormonal changes, stress, and other...