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Charlotte Mohs surgeon answers your treatment questions

Charlotte Mohs surgeon answers all of your questions about surgery and aftercare

Mohs Surgery charlotte Charlotte Mohs surgeon is available to you to talk about all of the questions you may have regarding Mohs surgery; the before, the during, and the after. Mohs surgery is a revolutionary skin surgery technique that spares as much tissue as possible while ensuring that the lesion is completely removed. If you have an upcoming Mohs surgery, or if you are interested in how it works, this article will answer any questions you may have.

What is Mohs surgery?

Charlotte Mohs surgeon describes Mohs surgery as being a skin surgery technique that is precise, and that removes skin cancer one layer at a time, in stages. The procedure is done under local anesthesia, meaning that it is outpatient. When a skin layer is removed, it is examined for cancer cells. If any cancer cells are detected, then the surgeon will go back and take another layer of tissue. Once a tissue layer does not have any cancer cells, the surgery is done and the wound is repaired.

What makes me a good candidate for Mohs surgery?

If you’re looking for a skin cancer removal procedure that has a cure rate that is the highest, then Mohs surgery is for you. Charlotte Mohs surgeons can remove all types of skin cancer with Mohs surgery, but it is especially good for skin cancer found on a part of the body that is frequently exposed (face, neck, etc), cancer that was once removed but has since reappeared, skin cancer that is large, or that doesn’t have edges that are clearly defined, and skin cancer that is aggressive.

How long will my Mohs surgery last?

Depending on the specific skin lesion and the Charlotte Mohs surgeon, surgery can last for several hours. It is a very precise surgery that involves repeated observations of tissue slides, which is why it may last longer than a traditional excision surgery. However, the extra wait is worth it since it spares as much tissue as possible and ensures the complete removal of the skin cancer.

Will I have a scar after my Mohs surgery?

Yes, you will have a scar after your Mohs surgery. As with any skin cancer removal procedure, there will be a scar where the lesion was previously found. However, the scar that you get from Mohs surgery will be significantly smaller than the scar that you would have received from a traditional excision surgery. The scar that is left will improve over time and it may be a full year before the scar has matured completely.

Metrolina Dermatology – your Charlotte Mohs surgeon

Charlotte Mohs surgeon Dr. Sasha Haberle of Metrolina dermatology helps the citizens of Charlotte, NC with all of their skin cancer needs. A board certified dermatologist and Mohs surgeon, Dr. Haberle can help you if you suspect that you may have skin cancer, or if you have been diagnosed with skin cancer.  If you live near the Charlotte, NC area and wish to meet with a dermatologist, schedule an appointment with our office today.


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