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Charlotte Mohs surgeon can treat your skin cancer

Charlotte Mohs surgeon explains why Mohs surgery may be a good treatment option for your skin cancer

Charlotte Mohs surgeonCharlotte Mohs surgeons are trained in the advanced skin cancer removal procedure known as Mohs surgery. If you’ve recently been diagnosed with skin cancer, or if you have been diagnosed in the past, then you know that this can be a very difficult time in a person’s life. Uncertainty can be a scary thing, and not knowing what your future treatments will be like can give you anxiety. Charlotte Mohs surgeon have made a guide to Mohs surgery to help answer any questions you may have, and to get your prepared for your skin cancer removal surgery.

What is Mohs surgery?

Mohs micrographic surgery is not a new technique, as it has been around since the 1930’s. However, it is the skin cancer removal surgery that is the most effective, precise and advanced. Mohs surgery can be used for a variety of different types of skin cancer. This technique works by removing only the parts of the skin that have been infected with skin cancer cells, and nothing else. Healthy tissue and skin surrounding the cancerous lesion are left alone, making recovery time shorter, and scars less noticeable. Mohs surgery involves removing the visible skin cancer lesion and then checking the skin layer by layer for any traces of skin cancer cells. If skin cancer cells are found, that section of the skin is removed, and the process continues until no traces of skin cancer cells are found. This technique allows a Charlotte Mohs surgeon to remove only skin that is affected by cancer cells, and nothing more.

Advantages of Mohs surgery

Charlotte Mohs surgeons give their patients skin cancer cure rates that are the highest of any skin cancer removal technique. This means that after the complete removal of the skin cancer, those who have undergone Mohs surgery are the least likely for their cancer to come back. By removing skin cancer from the skin layer-by-layer, the surgeon is allowed to remove only the skin that has skin cancer cells, and not any of the surrounding skin or tissue that is healthy. This means that cosmetic-wise, Mohs surgery gives patients the most aesthetically-pleasing result. Mohs surgery is also effective at removing cancer that is found in scar tissue, cancer that is a large size, cancer that has ill-defined edges, and cancer that has grown at a fast pace.

Metrolina Dermatology – your Charlotte Mohs surgeon

Charlotte Mohs surgeon Dr. Sasha Haberle of Metrolina dermatology helps the citizens of Charlotte, NC with all of their skin cancer needs. A board certified dermatologist and Mohs surgeon, Dr. Haberle can help you if you suspect that you may have skin cancer, or if you have been diagnosed with skin cancer.  If you live near the Charlotte, NC area and wish to meet with a dermatologist to discuss Mohs surgery, book an appointment with our office today.


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