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Charlotte mohs surgeon fights skin cancer

Charlotte NC Mohs surgeonCharlotte mohs surgeon diagnoses and fights skin cancer in Charlotte NC

Now that the peak heat of the summer has passed, some measure of relief comes to those people that spend a great amount of time in the intensive sunshine every season. And while many people take the necessary precautions to protect their skin from the harmful effects that UV rays have on their skin, there are still some who do not understand the seriousness of sun exposure. They may continually go out in the elements with little or no skin protection, believing that if somehow they get a sunburn, it’s little more than a temporary annoyance, something that will heal itself in short time. This is the case for many, but for an alarming amount of people in America every year, circumstances can be much more serious.

Charlotte mohs surgeon points out how big a problem skin cancer is becoming

Despite all the valuable information dermatologists and other health professionals provide the public about proper skin care and maintenance, skin cancer numbers continue to spiral upwards, truly a growing epidemic plaguing Americans everywhere. Each year, all other cancer cases combined do not match the number of skin cancer cases diagnosed, with more than 5 million skin cancers treated yearly in the U.S. And many of these cases diagnosed are melanoma (from the sun), an extremely deadly and serious cancer affecting both men and women. Though a very worrisome condition, there is an excellent prognosis for recovery if it is caught early enough.

If there’s any doubt, have it checked out

If there is any spot, rash, itch, or other situation with your skin you haven’t seen or experienced before, or are otherwise concerned about, don’t hesitate to make an appointment with a board certified dermatologist to have these areas looked at. At the time of your appointment, your Charlotte mohs surgeon might feel a complete skin cancer screening is necessary.

Skin cancer screening is quick, painless, and can be a lifesaver

If your Charlotte mohs surgeon schedules you for a skin cancer screening, don’t fear this exam- embrace it. This visual inspection of your skin by the dermatologist typically only takes about 10 minutes, with the doctor checking your skin for growths, lesions, rashes, and signs of internal disease.

What if something suspicious is found?

If your Charlotte mohs surgeon spots a suspicious lesion, they can either monitor it over time, or take a biopsy right there during the appointment. This will then be sent to be evaluated by an outside pathology lab, who should let your doctor know the results in about 7-14 days. If a skin cancer is detected, your doctor will have you come back in for treatment or removal of the lesion.

Make an appointment for your dermatology needs today

If you live in or around Charlotte NC and would like to speak to a leading dermatologist in the field, contact Dr. Sasha Haberle, MD, at Metrolina Dermatology. Dr. Haberle is a south Charlotte dermatologist and Fellowship trained Mohs surgeon who can answer any questions or concerns you may have about your skin, and can teach you all the right ways to take care of it from now on.


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