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Dry skin care and Dermatitis

Dry skin care and DermatitisWhat is dry skin and dermatitis?

Dry skin can be maddening. Dermatitis is the medical term for a condition that causes the skin to become red, swollen, and sore. Sometimes, small blisters result, and the area is often itchy. Dermatitis is a common and general term that can cover irritated skin from a variety of causes. These may include allergy, reaction to external stimulus, eczema, and more. Your dermatologist may recommend dry skin care, among other treatments, if you are suffering from dermatitis.

Because dermatitis can have multiple different causes and can present in varying ways, it is important to see a dermatologist promptly if you have symptoms. He or she can help evaluate your condition and make recommendations for treatment.

How dry skin care can help

Dermatologists may recommend dry skin care as one way you can reduce the discomfort of dermatitis. Make sure you speak to your doctor before implementing any method of self-care.

One of the techniques that may relieve discomfort is using less soap or a non-soap cleanser. Soap can be very drying to the skin and may irritate your condition. Additionally, dry skin care like frequent moisturization can be helpful. Applying an oil or cream moisturizer to damp skin after a shower or bath helps many dermatitis sufferers. Talk to your doctor about the most effective and gentle dry skin care products to use. You will likely want to avoid anything with harsh chemicals or fragrances.

Treatment for dermatitis

In some cases, at home dry skin care is not enough to properly manage a case of dermatitis. In such instances, your dermatologist may recommend additional treatment. This could take the form of a prescription topical, oral, or injected medication. Other remedies such as phototherapy may also be helpful. Your dermatologist will choose the best course of treatment based on your specific case and the cause for your dermatitis.

Charlotte NC dermatologist for dry skin care

If you have excessively dry skin, it can be a major factor to developing dermatitis. If conventional dry skin care has been unable to relieve your condition, seeing a dermatologist is probably your best option. With treatment, many cases of dermatitis can be eliminated or well managed.

If you live in or near the Charlotte NC area, consider receiving your dermatology care from Metrolina Dermatology.Metrolina Dermatology can help you with skin issues such as excessively dry skin and dermatitis, as well as all other skin care needs like your regular annual skin checkup.

South Charlotte dermatologist and Fellowship trained Mohs surgeon Dr. Haberle is recognized as an expert in all areas of dermatology, including medical, surgical, andcosmetic treatments. Contact the team at Metrolina Dermatology today to schedule your first appointment.




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