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Skin cancer: Is it deadly?

skin cancer progressHow does skin cancer develop?

Skin cancer is a fear of many, and for good reason- it impacts 1 in five Americans over the course of their life. Given that May is skin cancer awareness month, it is a great time to educate yourself about skin cancer prevention, detection, and treatment.

One thing many individuals worry about is skin cancer prognosis, and its ability to be fatal. The more you know about skin cancer and put smart practices in place, the less likely you are to be negatively impacted by this disease.

Skin cancer can have many causes, but the leading cause by far is exposure to UV light. Sun damage and tanning are two behaviors that increase your risk of skin cancer. Skin cancer may start as a barely visible spot, growth, or mole on the skin that progresses over time.

How does skin cancer progress?

Skin cancer can spread from the surface of the skin to the tissue around and beneath. If left untreated, skin cancer can metastasize through the body, impacting the lymph nodes and organs. Once skin cancer reaches areas that are remote from the original spot or growth, it is at a very advanced stage.

All skin cancer can be serious if left untreated, but melanoma is the most aggressive and dangerous type of skin cancer.

Is skin cancer fatal?

If left untreated, skin cancer can kill. Fortunately, however, this is a relatively rare outcome given the number of people diagnosed with skin cancer every day. When caught early, skin cancer is highly treatable. For this reason, it is important to be proactive in managing your skin health.

Reduce your risk of skin cancer by seeing a dermatologist regularly for a check up. Additionally, perform regular self examinations of your skin, noting any growths, spots, or changes. It’s also a good idea to avoid the behaviors that put you at higher risk of skin cancer, such as artificial tanning and excessive sun exposure.

Charlotte NC skin cancer dermatologist

Skin cancer should be taken seriously; however, if you take proper steps for prevention and early detection, it doesn’t need to be fatal. Make sure that seeing a qualified dermatologist at least annually is part of your defense against skin cancer. If you notice any changes to your skin or unusual growths, make an appointment right away to get it checked out.

In the Charlotte NC area, consider making an appointment with the team at Metrolina Dermatology for all of your skin care needs. South Charlotte dermatologist and Fellowship trained Mohs surgeon Dr. Haberle and her team are known as experts in all fields of dermatology, including surgical, medical, and cosmetic skin care. Call them today to schedule your initial appointment.


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