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Skin cancer risk factors

Skin cancer risk factorsAbout skin cancer

Did you know that skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States, affecting approximately one in five Americans? While anyone can develop skin cancer, there are certain factors that make it even more likely that you will be impacted by this disease.

The more you know about skin cancer and the things that cause it, the more you can do to prevent this disease or minimize its impact on your life. May is skin cancer awareness month- it is a great time to increase your awareness about skin cancer and make sure you are taking steps to stay safe.

Genetic risk factors

There is no single root cause for skin cancer. It can develop from a variety of causes, or from more than one cause. Additionally, there are many different types of skin cancer. The three most prevalent are melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and basal cell carcinoma.

There are some links between genetic factors and skin cancers. This means that if your close relative or relative gets skin cancer, you may be more likely to develop it as well. Also, if you and your family are very fair skinned or light haired, you may be at a higher risk for skin cancer.

Environmental risk factors

One of the primary causes of skin cancer is sun exposure. Even a single blistering sunburn in youth or adolescence can nearly double your risk of developing skin cancer. Those who are frequently in the sun are more likely to develop all types of skin cancer.

Tanning beds are also a common risk factor for developing skin cancer. These should be avoided in order to maintain your skin health. Frequent application of sunscreen is another way to protect your skin from the harmful UV rays that can cause skin cancer.

Individuals who do not see a doctor regularly are more likely to have their skin cancer diagnosed at a later (and therefore more dangerous) stage. Seeing a dermatologist regularly can help you avoid late-stage skin cancer that has had a chance to spread.

Seeing your Charlotte NC dermatologist

Regardless of whether or not you have all of the risk factors for skin cancer, you still should have your skin examined by a dermatologist at least annually. This is an important way to make sure that any skin abnormalities are caught and treated early.

If you live in or near the Charlotte NC area, consider receiving your dermatology care and annual skin checkup from Metrolina Dermatology.

South Charlotte dermatologist and Fellowship trained Mohs surgeon Dr. Haberle is recognized as an expert in all areas of dermatology, including medical, surgical, and cosmetic treatments. Contact the team at Metrolina Dermatology today to schedule your skin cancer screening.




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