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Skin cancer spotting

Skin cancer spottingSkin cancer awareness

Skin cancer is a significant threat to many- it affects 20% of the population at some point over the course of their life. This May, take advantage of skin cancer awareness month to learn more about this disease and how you can proactively identify skin cancer or pre-cancerous growths.

When caught early, skin cancer can be easily treated. Being vigilant about examining your skin and practicing safe skin habits can help minimize the impact that skin cancer has on your life.

How to spot skin cancer

Do you know what skin cancer looks like? It can be tricky, because it takes many forms.

In order to be proactive in your skin care, you should perform self-examinations regularly. You should also see a dermatologist at least annual for a comprehensive skin check up.

When you perform your own skin self-examination, you may want to try the following:

Map your moles: You may notice a spot on your skin and not recall whether it has always been there. Creating a “map” of your moles or other skin abnormalities will allow you to detect changes over time.

  • Look for the A, B, C, D, E of melanoma. Check moles for the following factors: asymmetry, borders (irregular or undefined), color (unusual or changing), diameter (growing) and evolving (changing over time). If any of these symptoms are present, see your dermatologist.
  • Be thorough: don’t forget to check the skin in areas like your scalp, the soles of your feet, and in between your fingers and toes. Use a mirror or a partner if necessary.

Other steps to take

In addition to self examination and regular dermatologist visits, there are other steps you can take to protect yourself from skin cancer. Proactive identification is important, but so is prevention.

To reduce your risk of developing skin cancer, avoid exposure to harmful UV rays. This can include natural sunlight or artificial light, like tanning booths. You should also protect your skin with sunscreen daily, year round.

Charlotte, NC skin cancer dermatologist

If you don’t regularly see a dermatologist for a skin cancer screening, now is the perfect time to make your appointment. In honor of skin cancer awareness month, consider taking the next step to ensure that you are proactive about remaining cancer free.

If you live in or near the Charlotte NC area, consider receiving your dermatology care and annual skin checkup from the experienced and professional team at Metrolina Dermatology.


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