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Can over-the-counter products provide dry skin care in Charlotte?

Dry skin care in Charlotte

The Charlotte winter is on its way, and for dry skin care, getting results can come at a cost. Unfortunately, not everyone is prepared to accept that reality. Dry skin care is an investment, both of time and money. If you deal with minor skin blemishes from time to time, many people get by with over-the-counter products. However, for those with true issues surrounding dry skin, medical-grade skincare products is probably your only option to achieve lasting results.

Dry skin care roulette

Go into any drugstore and you can find hundreds of bottles of skin care products. Every single one promises to be a cure for aging skin, or for the clearing of an acne problem. Over-the-counter products are prevalent because so many people self-diagnose and guess about their skin condition. Using logic, it is important to understand that over-the-counter products are available to everyone because their active ingredients are low level. The fact is that OTC products barely penetrate the outermost layer of skin, leaving much of the active ingredient sitting on the top layer of skin. To treat acne, sunspots, and even fine lines, you need a product that can penetrate the deep layers of skin. Dermatologists will tell you that real skin therapy happens at the dermal level, not on the surface.

Medical grade dry skin care is safer

Whenever you are ill, you need to see a doctor. Many people do not apply this same rule for their skin health. If you have a skin issue, consult a dermatologist. Professional guidance from a board-certified dermatologist can provide effective treatment that will help you every step of the way. Medical grade skin care products are specially formulated to penetrate to the deepest levels of skin. Many medications help with collagen and elastin production, a critical component for treating aging skin. You are dealing with products that a team of experts that includes pharmacologists, biologists, physicians, and geneticists produce. They prove the product lines by third-party clinical studies. That is the assurance that anyone with dry skin care issues would want.

Dermatologist for dry skin care in Charlotte, NC

Are you one of the millions of people who have prematurely damaged skin because of excessive exposure to UV rays? If you are finding it difficult to live with your damaged skin, and you live in or near the South Charlotte NC area, you can experience full-service dermatology. Metrolina dermatology offers medical, surgical, cosmetic dermatology; and Mohs micrographic surgery.

Dr. Sasha Haberle and her staff provide customized care to treat patients of all ages and skin conditions. Dr. Haberle is recognized as an expert in all areas of dermatology, including medical, cosmetic, and surgical care. She is a Board-Certified dermatologist and Fellowship trained Mohs surgeon.  Call the friendly staff at Metrolina Dermatology today to schedule the appointment. They welcome new patients and will help you develop a plan for cosmetic dermatology treatment of your dry skin conditions.


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